Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obnoxious but easy to make list

It's official, folks. We're T-minus 26 days away from my birthday. While I'm beginning to reach birthdays that I don't necessarily want to celebrate (24? WTF! I'm old!) I do like the idea of eating chocolate cake and being lavished with presents (I wish this was a career, in fact. I'd be great at it). So without further ado, my birthday wish-list:

- Quantum of Solace on DVD (mmm, Daniel Craig)
- Subscription to Real Simple magazine (contact my Facebook page for my address)
- Peggle DS game (see my first post for more details about Peggle)
- Mojito cocktail set (or a mint muddler, at least, so I can start drinking in the evenings)
- Some type of karaoke singing game for Wii with good songs (while I generally abhor American Idol, it seems like it's the only brand with decent games out)
- Drood by Dan Simmons (a fictionalized version of Dickens' experience writing the unfinished Mystery of Edwin Drood, narrated by Wilkie Collins. Need I explain more why I need this?)
- A puppy. Or puppy accoutrements, provided the dog plan is go. (I want a dog SO BAD!)
- Bananagrams game (like Scrabble, but better. Look it up!)
- Mad Men season 1 DVD (or, alternatively, a time machine that will allow me to travel back to the fifties to be a housewife. This will also require the aforementioned mint muddler, so I can have an appropriate cocktail ready for my imaginary husband when he returns from a hard day at the office)
- Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life by Neil Strauss (a how-to guide for becoming Jason Bourne)
- Fun and silly things like these stickers from
- Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (lit crit books are too expensive for me to buy on my own!)
- Novel and the Police by D.A. Miller (see above)
- Giftcards to Target, Amazon, Trader Joe’s (more or less the only places I shop)

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