Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Abject Apologies

As usual, it has been far too long since I've posted. Though I did just reread my last Cosmo post and I have to say, I LOLed. Oh, Cosmo. What a gem.

Sadly, my subscription to Cosmo is about to lapse, and though I enjoy Cosmo's tips and tricks, being witty blog post fodder is not a justifiable reason for spending $15 to renew. When I first subscribed, I paid $5 for a year's worth of issues, which calculates to approximately 42 cents an issue. That's a price I'm willing to pay. So, ball's in your court, Cosmo. Make me a sweeter offer.

Anyway, back to the apologizing. The end of the semester brought a lot of busyness and stress (surprise, surprise). Here is a list of my excuses for my lackluster posting record. I could not blog because I had to:
  • Take the GRE and the MTELs
  • Drive to Maryland for Thanksgiving
  • Have my car's alternator replaced
  • Write a 15-page final paper and a lesson plan
  • Sit for the second of three MA comp exams
  • Grade 15 portfolios
  • Help Matt move out of the apartment
  • Spend Christmas in Connecticut
  • Fly to Maryland to have Christmas with my family
  • Rearrange the surprisingly empty-feeling apartment
That's enough, right? I'm forgiven? I hope so. One of my New Year's resolutions is to post more frequently. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I forgive you. I'm also resolving to post more frequently, so I wish us both luck.
